Complete scaling readiness study of laser-assisted land levelling in Uzbekistan
Respondents feel that potential interventions to scale the LLL in Uzbekistan should focus on capacity building for farmers.
The replication of Tolou Keur food forests across the Great Green Wall in Senegal.
The policy brief was prepared by a group of students of the CHARM-EU university who worked in collaboration with the UNCCD on their capstone project.
Study on land degradation, climate change and migration nexus in Central Asia
The study focuses on existing land-based national and international labour market and relevant challenges leading to migration at national and international level, including geographical variety of distribution and dynamics of biophysical conditions and productive resources.
Regional factsheet on Central Asia
In Central Asia, governments and international organizations have undertaken significant efforts since the 1990s to inventory, develop, and promote sustainable land management (SLM) practices, which encompass both traditional methods specific to the region and innovative approaches aimed at mitigating and addressing emerging risks and issues stemming from climate change and land degradation.
Science-Policy Brief: integrated land use planning and integrated landscape management to implementing Land Degradation Neutrality.
Country Parties gathered at the UNCCD COP14 requested that the UNCCD Science-Policy Interface (SPI) provide “science- based evidence on the potential contribution of integrated land use planning (ILUP) and integrated landscape management (ILM) to positive transformative change, achieving land degradation neutrality (LDN) and addressing desertification, land degradation, and drought issues” (Decision 18/COP.14).
Land restoration to safeguard nature and livelihoods: UNCCD and CBD working together.
The publication spotlights the shared agenda of restoration and resilience, central to both UNCCD and the Global Biodiversity Framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). It identifies where and how synergies between commitments on biodiversity and land can enhance implementation at global and national levels, increasing the impact of limited finance and delivering multiple benefits.
Cardiovascular diseases
The UN Volunteers team of the UN Joint Program, with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, prepared a number of recommendations for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
Invest in Karakalpakstan
Over the years, the Republic of Karakalpakstan has been considered as the territory of the Aral Sea ecological crisis.
Enhancement of Living Standards in Karakalpakstan
This brochure provides a report on the initiatives taken under the Enhancement of Living Standards (ELS) Project in Karakalpakstan.